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5 Most Toxic Foods for Cats

5 Most Toxic Foods for Cats

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Cats will sometimes beg for food, but you must be aware that certain foods given to cats are toxic. Giving cats the foods that you eat is not an encouraged behavior, because it spoils his appetite for his canned food. If you give food from your plate to your cat, you’ll only support his behavior to beg.

In case you can’t resist not sharing your food, be careful not to feed him foods that are cat poison.

1. Chocolate

Chocolate is toxic for cats because it has a compound called theobromine. Theobromine can be fatal to cats. Cats don’t have the capacity to efficiently digest this substance, so it’s highly poisonous. White chocolate has insignificant amounts of theobromine. However, regular milk chocolate ingested in poisonous amounts can result in vomiting, diarrhea, fever, seizure, coma, and even death.

2. Onions and Garlic

Onions and garlic are toxic to cats due to their contents of N-propyl disulfide. This substance has the power to cause anemia by annihilating the red blood cells. Onions are more poisonous than garlic but keep your cat away from both. Don’t forget that even meats may be spiced with garlic or onion, so make sure you check the labels.

3. Potato Family of Plants – Raw

Green tomatoes contain a substance called Glycoalkanoid Solanine, which is poisonous for cats. This substance is present in the family of plants of Solanaceae, informally known as the nightshade or the potato family – which includes tomatoes, potatoes, paprika, chili pepper, eggplant, petunia or the deadly nightshade (belladonna).

If cooked or fully ripe, your cat will have no problem digesting these ingredients. However, don’t feed them while they are still raw. The leaves and stems of these plants are very toxic to cats and will cause lower gastrointestinal pain and aggressive symptoms.

4. Grapes

Grapes may be toxic to cats. Avoid feeding them grapes or even raisins, which contain the same substances as grapes.

5. Caffeine

Any product containing caffeine may be toxic to cats. The caffeine excites the nervous system and will cause shaking and vomiting or diarrhea.

These are the 5 main foods that you should avoid giving your cat. However, if the cat has any food intolerance, those foods may also be toxic. There are a lot of lactose-intolerant cats. Food poisoning will be signaled by vomiting, diarrhea, fever, lethargy, cramps, rashes, or seizures. You will be able to notice these symptoms within 12 hours after the ingestion of the poisonous food. Go immediately to the vet to avoid further complications.

Keep a list of these toxic foods and give it to any person that might spend time with your pet.

Cat asking for food…

Cat asking for food…

What to do when our cat always beg for food?

It is worth considering first what the reasons for this behavior may be. (among others, it affects the metabolism of insulin and leptin).


Appetite also depends on the time of year. It increases in autumn and winter when animals accumulate fat. This dependence of the biological rhythm on the season occurs not only in outgoing cats but even in those who do not move from home. It’s something that animals and even humans inherited from their ancestors. Please note that we also eat more when it gets cold and lacking natural sunlight. With our pets it’s similar. The third, typically biological, the cause is a disease. If the animal suddenly began to feel an increased appetite, this could be the result of diabetes, for example.


It is worth being aware that there are also emotional causes. Above all, they seek pleasure. Emotionality works in this way (both for us and for cats) that we try to do everything to maintain well-being at a relatively constant, high level. So when people feel depressed, they try to improve it, for example by shopping, talking to friends, browsing Facebook or cooking something good. It’s very similar in cats. They demand food, the consumption of which gives them pleasure, by the way also providing a nice addition in the form of the presence of the owner, who transmits delicacies, and by the way something says to the cat, sometimes strokes.


Such feeding becomes a whole ritual, important for both sides. The pet meows, so the owner approaches him, strokes and scratches, reaches for the sachet, opens it, serves food, looks at the animal, accompanies him. The cat himself feels good about it, but there is also the feedback of this pleasure and his master also feels it.

Behind this way of looking for pleasure is usually just boredom. The animal suffers from a lack of other activities that usually make him happy, for example, hunting or exploring the environment. So he tries to find a replacement that is easy to reach. So, cats that do not have toys can meow with food, live in a small apartment, in which there are no vertical surfaces on which they could move or nooks and crannies into which they would look.


So what to do when the cat is constantly demanding snacks? First, check that the cause is not in his body. See a veterinarian, conduct laboratory tests, check the body’s hormonal balance. Secondly, make sure your pet has a well-chosen diet. Doesn’t he get too high-energy meals in relation to age and activity. Remember that a non-emerging cat should be fed differently, which only moves between rooms, and differently outdoor, in which case the area it traverses sometimes covers several or even several dozen hectares!


Thirdly, provide the cat with activities that will protect him from boredom. You can buy or make it yourself (many ideas can be found on YouTube) stimulating toys and gadgets that allow active food, i.e. related to hunting activity. I am thinking, for example, of snack balls, otherwise known as flavor balls, which is something like a complex ball containing a labyrinth, from which the animal must extract a treat. It is also worth providing him with everything that moves – feathers or poles on a string or paper balls that will stimulate him to hunting behavior, such as chasing, running, jerking or tearing. It is also good to enable him to explore new places, such as cabinets, suitcases, bags or boxes.

Of course, it may happen that the cat will not want to play. Despite the presence of toys, scratchers, and boxes, he will hide and not be interested in them at all. This is not normal, however, because chasing, catching or catching are natural behaviors of this animal. If he does not manifest them, it may mean that he is sick or has emotional problems – he suffers from anxiety, he experiences long-term stress.


In such a situation you have to act. For example, use Feliway pheromones that have a calming effect. Sometimes pharmacological treatment may also be needed. It is worth, however, to start with a behaviorist who will be able to find out where the problem is and how to deal with it best.

Returning, however, to just asking for food, you must be aware that underestimating the problem and overfeeding the cat will not do anything good. Not only obesity and the resulting problems with circulation or strain on the joints will threaten him. An overweight cat will not feel comfortable with him, and the resulting frustration will compensate, for example, by nervously licking his coat. This, in turn, can lead to the development of diseases or serious emotional problems.




Are You Able To Understand What Your Cat Is Telling You?

Are You Able To Understand What Your Cat Is Telling You?

Can you understand your cat?

Cats are known for being very communicative. They express themselves just as much through sounds as through their body language.

Understand better what your cat wants to say

According to specialists, cats can make up to 16 different sounds whereas kittens can make 9.
For example, if a cat is miaowing constantly, it means it’s happy. On the other hand, if it has a slow high-pitch miaow, it tends to mean the cat is suffering and in pain.
If the cat is asking for something such as food or to be let out the door, it will make a long miaow to show it’s need. It will continue to insist until you have satisfied its demands.
To welcome you home every evening from a long days work, your cat will shout loudly running up to you with a vertical, slightly rounded end tail. This is a cats welcome position when it’s showing its joy.
Most of the time, it will roll about around your legs whilst purring to say, “I’m happy you’re here”.
Whenever it sees birds through the window, you will hear small, short miaows as your it clicks its teeth. This means, “I’d definitely eat that bird!”
The mother will make little noises to call for its babies.
A female cat in heat will make high-pitched screams, enough to wake the entire neighbourhood.
John Bradshaw, a researcher in feline communication, identified these different sounds made by cats all dependant on different situations.
Cat body language is just as important as sounds although more subtle. If you’re a good observer, you’ll be able to differentiate the different moods of your cat thanks to the way it carries its body.
When your cat slightly closes its eyes and lifts its head as you stroke it, it means it’s enjoying what you’re doing.
A cat that wants to be stroked will be very relaxed. Sometimes, it will lay on its back with its tummy to the sky to get a nice tummy rub. When this happens, you know your cat trusts you as it’s putting itself in a vulnerable position. In fact, wild cats never put themselves in this position.
When a cat gets scared, its tail drops under its body to protect it and puts more weight on the rear legs ready to run. Furthermore, its ears are pushed back, whiskers are flattened and pupils dilated.
If your cat is moving its tail, it means it is annoyed. Unlike dogs, it is not a sign of happiness in fact, it shows real anger.
Beware, if the cat is also spitting, or has spat, it means it’s about to attack.

Speaking to your cat

I'm speaking to my cat

You can speak to your cat, and sometimes it will listen. If it does listen, you will know as i will look at you strangely, if you’re lucky it will even reply with a miaow. However, if it looks away, it means you’re boring it and it’s not interested. Some cats know their names and answer when called but this is not to be expected from all cats.
Now, it’s up to you to interpret what your little ball of fluff is saying to better understand it and spend many happy, harmonious years with it.

5 Common Cat Diseases To Look Out For

5 Common Cat Diseases To Look Out For

Cats are very delicate animals susceptible to stress and various diseases. They are also very secretive, and this feature can be dangerous for them. When they suffer from something, it is difficult to see the first symptoms. The disease often reveals itself too late when it is already at an advanced stage. That is why prevention and accurate observation of the behaviour of pets is so important. A sick cat will send us signals, even the smallest ones can be a sign of a health problem. What are our cats suffering from? What are the most common cats diseases?

1. Infections of the bladder and urinary tract


This condition occurs quite often and is unfortunately very painful. To the same extent, it affects cats and males. It is difficult to notice them with the cat coming out. Only cats in the home can observe: frequent and unsuccessful attempts to urinate, meowing during handling, red discoloration of the gravel, excessive licking under the tail, pain in lifting, getting out of the litter box (because this is associated with pain).


The reason is usually the presence of crystals that can form stones. The reason for their formation may be, for example, a poor diet. Because castrated cats are more susceptible to bladder accidents – they should receive food for neutered cats, which is suitably adapted to the needs of their bodies. The veterinary surgeon puts the exact diagnosis after examining the urine sample. If the inflammation is not related to the presence of crystals, the reason may be bacteria, viruses, cancer, anatomical defects and even neurological disorders.


The proper diet will play a key role in treatment. Its task is to break up existing stones and stop the precipitation of further crystals. The doctor will certainly recommend antibiotic therapy, painkillers and anti-inflammatories. It is important that the sick cat drinks a lot of water. This will help in bladder rinsing. The carer should take care of the level and quality of water in the bowl and the cleanliness of the cuvette. If the cat does not want to drink, he should not eat dry food. It is possible that the therapy will be very long.


2. Diseases of the teeth and periodontium


A cat who has dental problems is suffering a lot. In connection with toothache, the cat loses its appetite. This leads to weight loss and overall decline in fitness. From the mouth, an unpleasant odour and saliva may come out. In more advanced cases, periapical abscesses may occur. Symptoms are visible to the naked eye. It is a yellow precipitate, the unveiling of tooth roots, bleeding gums caused by inflammation, cavities.


The cause is bacterial deposits, or plaque, which accumulates on the surface of the teeth. This leads to local destruction of gum tissue and inflammation. Bacterial deposits are transformed into stone when calcification occurs. Bacteria that accumulate release dangerous toxins that, if absorbed into the blood, can damage the cat’s internal organs.


Plaque and tartar can be removed with an ultrasound scaler at the vet. Because the procedure can be painful, the condition is anaesthesia of the cat. If an abscess appears, remove the sick tooth and clean the alveolus. Most cats over 2 years of age suffer from tooth aches. Therefore, the pet should be examined prophylactically. Early diagnostics makes it possible to cure or at least stop the disease process. An appropriately balanced diet is important. Proper dry food provides permanent abrasion of plaque.


3. Chronic renal failure


Both young kittens and older ones can collapse into this disease. However, the most exposed are individuals over 7 years old. Unfortunately, the symptoms start to be noticeable in a very advanced condition when the kidneys are already destroyed in about 75%. The earlier symptoms are very subtle – slightly decreased appetite, more frequent urination, vomiting. All this caregiver can treat as a temporary inadequacy of the pet and he will not take the treatment. Our attention will be paid only by gradual deterioration of the kitten’s condition, then it may be too late.


The causes include: congenital malformations, pre-existing cystitis, poisoning with toxins. The cat’s diet consists mainly of meat, and in this there is a lot of protein and phosphorus. These components have a negative effect on the kidneys, which are responsible for the removal of harmful metabolic products, including urea – poisoning toxin.


After careful diagnosis, the doctor will decide on the form of treatment. It will depend on the stage of disease. First of all, you need to hydrate the cat and stop vomiting. It’s important to improve your appetite. A sick cat does not want to eat and thus further worsens his health. If you manage to normalise the patient’s condition, the next step will be to implement a healthy diet, which should contain a reduced level of protein and phosphorus. The protein is not completely eliminated, it should still be in the diet, but it must be of good quality. The kidneys do not have regenerative abilities – hence the disease is called chronic. Despite the dysfunction, a sick cat may live for a long time, but you must use the right diet and give medicines, and of course, carefully observe the symptoms of possible exacerbation of the disease.


4. Diseases of the digestive system


We should focus our attention on cuvette problems. These can be diarrhea, constipation, and even blood and mucus in the litter box. Too rare handling, let alone the lack of it is an extremely dangerous symptom. It should always draw our attention. Other causes include vomiting and lack of appetite, resulting in dehydration and gradual deterioration of the cat’s condition, as well as a sudden surge of appetite, while not taking on weight. Possible abdominal pain, aggressive response to the touch and lift test.


Many factors affect the appearance of the disease. Poisoning caused by spoiled food, accidental ingestion of toxins, infectious disease. Other reasons include gastro-intestinal reflux, allergy, cancer, a foreign body in the body. The diseases of the digestive system include: acute gastroenteritis, pancreatic insufficiency, malabsorption syndrome, neoplasms.


Each of these conditions requires different treatment. The most important is therefore the correct diagnosis. In some cases surgery may be necessary, in others it will help a proper diet consisting of easily digestible food. Cat food with a sensitive digestive tract should contain a lower amount of fat and selected sources of protein and fibres that facilitate digestion. If negative symptoms pass, it will be possible to return to normal food. In the case of intestinal patients, fibre will have to be replenished, and allergens should be eliminated.

Fat cat may mean digestive issues

5. Hyperthyroidism in a cat (hyperthyroidism)


So far, no specific breeds that are more vulnerable to hyperthyroidism have been identified, but quite often occur in Himalayan and Siamese cats. Over-activity causes an increase in the metabolic rate, and thus weight loss and a greater oxygen demand. A sick cat will have a higher body temperature, he will drink more, and he will settle more often. He will also eat more, but this may lead to vomiting and diarrhea, which in turn leads to progressive weight loss. Hyperthyroidism also gives cardiac symptoms: hypertrophy of the heart muscle, acceleration of the heart rhythm, increased physical activity and accompanying fatigue.


The main causes of this disease are benign tumour growths of this organ. In very few cases, it can be malignant thyroid cancer. Nutrition and the environment have an impact on everything. Cats living in an environment poor in iodine are much more exposed to this ailment. It is also suspected that cats not using the cuvette may be more likely to suffer from it. However, this is not proven.


Diagnosing the disease is not easy by the variety of symptoms. However, the vast majority of sick cats will show thyroid enlargement. Over-activity can be treated pharmacology, by surgery, or by radiotherapy (unfortunately, this method is not available everywhere). As a rule, the goal is to reduce the concentration of hormones. Administering drugs does not cure the disease, it only stops its symptoms, which will come back when they are discontinued. This is a preparatory process before the surgery. The healing process supports feed rich in: iodine, phosphorus, sodium, taurine, and omega 3 fatty acids.

Cat Depression: Signs and Treatment

Cat Depression: Signs and Treatment

Cat Depression

[huge_it_share]One of the most common questions people ask is whether cat depression exists. Often, the pet owners notice a change in the behaviour of their pet in the absence or death of any other cat or owner. It is impossible to determine exactly what feelings the cat goes through. But when the cat companion is missing, they certainly feel the difference. Most likely the cat doesn’t suffer in the same way as us, but there is definitely a noticeable change in their life. While people express their grief in a variety of different ways, the cat most often becomes unproductive or the opposite too loving.

cat depression suicide


Typically, cats hide and refuse to eat for 1 to 4 weeks, but some continue to mourn for too long, refusing water, food, and any social life. There is a cat case that a cat jumped in front of a truck coming against her.





For a long time, people believed that they were only creatures who could cry in sorrow and sadness. But there is evidence that many animals form tears when they are in physical and emotional distress. Cats can express their sadness through nightmares – becoming frightened, screaming, looking for comfort from a close person. The main reason for human and cat depression is that cats only miss a close companion while people are saddened by distant relatives or even people who have never fallen. Cats are deprived of abstract thinking (lacking long-term memory), unlike people who may be sad for someone who has been absent from their lives for a long time.

Cat depression sad

According to some researchers, the cat’s understanding of the death is like the children – they do not perceive death as a constant state. The cats feel that someone is not alive by a change in temperature and smell. Whether a relationship between the body and the soul is still arguing. But there are many cases where the cat stops waiting for someone to see his body. Since many owners ask if it is good for the animal to see the body of its owner or a close animal. I would say that if there is such a possibility and there is no danger of infection it is best to say goodbye to him.


Stages Of The Cat Depression

First stage – Sadness ActivationCat depression isolation lock

 The cat can travel for hours and days looking for the missing company to come to the door every time someone approaches or walks through the streets. So limit your cat in a room for a few days, and do not let it go out on the street. During this time, it’s good to have some object to link it to the missing being.


Second stage – Depression

It has been going on for 2 weeks up to 6 months. During this time the cat must be surrounded by a lot of attention and calmness. Of course, do not try to get in touch with a cat who wants to be alone. You can also offer delicious food, new toys to attract the attention of the hiding cat.

If the cat is depressed for more than 3 weeks, without any improvement of the condition, you should bring her/him to the veterinarian for a check. Depending on the veterinarian’s judgement, they will prescribe antidepressants or homoeopathic medicaments.

Don’t try to replace her/his old friend with a new pet. It is more likely to cause additional stress because the cats are very territorial animals. Therefore, the new friend will be a territorial invader.

Cats are creatures of the order, thus try not to change much the surrounding environment, food or habits from before. If you have to do it, try slowly and if possible without drastic changes in her/his habits till now.





Are Mosquitoes A Danger To Your Pet’s Health?

Are Mosquitoes A Danger To Your Pet’s Health?

None of us like being bitten by mosquitoes and sometimes it’s easy to forget that our pets also suffer from mosquito bites.

Mosquitoes feed on blood, and they will take it where they can find it. Only females bite, males feed on plant nectar. While the female may have preferred hosts, she must have blood proteins to produce eggs. And, a blood meal is often insufficient to produce a brood of eggs. Often, the female feeds, rests to digest the meal and feeds up to three times before she can get enough protein to produce her eggs.


So whenever your pet is out in the mosquito territory, he is a seated target for a hungry female mosquito that is eager to reproduce.

Many mosquito species will choose birds rather than humans or typical household pets, but they are even known to feed on frogs and other reptiles, if that’s what they can find for a blood meal.

Most pet owners are aware of the dangers of mosquito bites associated with heartworm disease in cats and dogs. Mosquitoes carry larvae of parasites, which they transmit to the animal once they bite. The larvae of the parasite then migrate to the heart and the main circulatory organs of your pet, where it grows into an adult worm that can grow to ten inches in length.

The problem with heartworms is that they can take several years to become an adult, which then can cause symptoms in your cat or dog. By the time the symptoms develop, the treatment is long and difficult. Sometimes the owner of the animal does not know the problem until the animal dies unexpectedly, a tragic end that is very preventable.

Heartworm protection is as easy as a trip to your vet. Many effective drugs, which are administered orally, can prevent the development of larvae, if an infected mosquito bites your pet. The biggest failure of these medications is the fault of the pet owner. They must be faithfully administered once a month without interruption of treatment. And, just because it seems the mosquito season is at bay, do not fall and forget to give your pet a dose. Many mosquitoes winter in protected areas and wake up ready to bite long before you expect them.

Fortunately, it is now possible to get a shot for your pet that will protect against heartworms for six months. Even diligent and caring pet owners can sometimes forget the narrow window of opportunity for oral drug delivery. This new promotion will save you and your pet the risky consequences of these failures.

Now, pet owners are even more concerned about mosquito bites to their pets. Although rare, West Nile virus has been reported in dogs and cats. There are very few reported cases of animal deaths in dogs and cats, but the risk still exists. Instead, most of the time, the animal can be positive for the virus, without having any symptoms.

cat temperature
The West Nile virus can cause your pet to have a fever

If your pet has West Nile virus, it may have the following symptoms: fever, depression or lethargy, muscle weakness or spasms, impaired coordination, convulsions or paralysis. If your pet has these symptoms, consult your veterinarian immediately.

Owners of birds and horses should be much more concerned. West Nile virus is mainly fatal for many bird species. Crows, for example, are very sensitive to fatal cases. Sparrows, on the other hand, contract easily but show no symptoms. And migratory birds like sparrows contribute to the spread of the virus because they are very mobile.

Among the birds that are kept as pets, parrots, cockatoos and parakeets are most at risk. The risk factor is lower because they are rarely outside. If your house is well sealed and has good screens, these animals should be easily protected if kept indoors.

Horse owners are now able to protect their horses with a very effective vaccine. Horses are particularly susceptible to mosquito-borne viruses and it is difficult to keep them away from outside exposure, even in barns and stables. No vaccine exists for small animals.

The same thing that protects you against mosquito diseases also protects your pets. Prevention!

Protect everywhere from the house and yard by making sure mosquitoes do not have a place to breed. Avoid leaving water in containers such as buckets, birdbaths, pet bowls, rain gutters, storm drains, and plant saucers. Many mosquitoes only need ¼ cup of water to reproduce.

The FDA has always advised keeping your pet indoors at dawn and dusk, as this is where many species of mosquitoes feed. This advice is no longer enough to protect your pet. The Asian tiger mosquito is an aggressor today. It was imported to the United States in 1985 and is now in 30 states. It carries both West Nile virus and heartworm parasites.

Do not use mosquito repellents designed for humans on pets!

Instead, get rid of all possible breeding sites and also get a good pet repellent. Anti-mosquito repellents designed for humans should not be used on pets. Never put any pet repellant that is not free from DEET. Instead, obtain a repellent that is made for veterinary use and apply only as directed. With your pets, you must assume that they can lick the treated areas and you can not afford to take a chance that the repellent can be toxic to them.

For example, tea tree oil is a good repellent against mosquitoes for humans, but it has been fatal for some cats that licked their fur.

And, think about getting a propane mosquito trap to reduce mosquito populations in your garden. They are very effective, although expensive, but actually kill hundreds of mosquitoes if used according to the manufacturer’s directions. Over time, these devices can effectively decrease mosquito populations.

Mosquitoes are here to stay. Our best defense for our pets is how to avoid them, and how to keep our pets safe using the latest scientific advances. And, many things we do to protect our pets from mosquito-borne diseases are good for us too.


A Passport For Your cat? Why And How?

A Passport For Your cat? Why And How?

Vacation Is Finally Here…. A Passport For Your Cat? Why And How?

It is mandatory for pets traveling with their master in Europe. This passport was developed by the Society of Swiss Veterinarians (SVS) in collaboration with the Federal Veterinary Office (FVO).

It has several advantages over the veterinary certificate: it can be established by any veterinarian authorized to practice in Switzerland and it is valid throughout the life of the animal.

Don’t leave your furry friend at home this summer!

Swiss passport

Its cost: CHF 25.- For Europe, from 1 October 2004, this document must be presented by anyone traveling with an animal, dog, cat and ferret in Europe. It proves that the animal has been vaccinated against rabies, which is the only requirement for admission to each of the Member States, except Ireland, Malta, Sweden and the United Kingdom, in which case they must refer to their own legislation.

In addition, it provides various details concerning the animal, its microchip number and the address of the owner as well as the vaccinations and health certificate, compulsory in some countries, to inquire.

European passport

Only the text changes according to the language of the country of issue of the document.

Neutering Cats: Many Pros And Almost No Cons

Neutering Cats: Many Pros And Almost No Cons

Neutering cats is an effective way to fight overpopulation. And it can even be beneficial for your tom cat.

Many vets advise to spay and neuter cats. In other words: to make a cat sterile to prevent further litters. Queens are spayed, males are neutered or castrated.


Let a simple figure tell the story.


In the US alone over 10 million dogs and cats are being put to death each year in animal shelters. REASON: there are no homes for them.

So, your queen may be pregnant, or your tom cat may have found a nice girl friend, but basically there is no demand for more pregnant cats. There are enough kittens born, thanks to professional breeders and unplanned meetings of queens and tom.
But overpopulation is not the only good reason why you could consider having your cat castrated.


They like to stay indoors more. That makes them less susceptible to contagious diseases. The chance of becoming involved in cat fights or car accidents is also considerably smaller.

Don’t think your cat will turn into a fat and lazy pet. Contrary to popular belief, laziness and excess weight are caused by overfeeding and lack of exercise, not by neutering. If you think your cat eats too much, check by using the cat food calculator.

ONE THING IS TRUE: once neutered, tom cats get calmer and more affectionate.

One more benefit?
Here’s a big one.


Days of urine smells may be over. As long as you don’t forget to clean your cat’s litter box.

Some critics say neutering cats is against nature. But castration does not create different animals. Your cat’s personality will not change. He will still be a hunter and a player. He will enjoy life just like he did before, only without being focused on reproduction.

Male cats may be castrated after they reach the age of four months. Some vets prefer them a little older. But even a sexual mature cat can be neutered.


Neutering cats is a routine operation. It’s one of the most performed operations. Vets use general anesthesia for neutering cats, but the dose is not heavy. The actual castration takes only a few minutes. In most cases you can take your cat home the same day.
Within a few days your tom cat will be the same as before. Well, almost the same …

Tapeworm In Cats

Tapeworm In Cats


The most common tapeworm in cats in North America is called Dipylidium caninum (DIE-pih-LID-ee-um K-nine-um). The infection is common and found throughout the world.

How did my cat get the Dipylidium tapeworm? By swallowing a flea infected with a tapeworm larvae. A cat may swallow a flea while grooming. Once the flea is digested inside the cat, the larval tapeworm is free to develop into an adult tapeworm.

The adult tapeworm in cats is made up of many small segments, called proglottids (pro-GLOT-ids), each about the size of a grain of rice; adult tapeworms may reach 8 inches in length. As the tapeworm matures inside the intestines, these segments (proglottids) break off and pass into the stool.

tapeworm_nejmquicktake_worms_stat-1024x576HOW DO I IDENTIFY TAPEWORM IN CATS?
Although cats are rarely ill as a result of a Dipylidium tapeworm infection, the proglottids can sometimes be seen crawling near the anus or on the surface of a fresh bowel movement. Proglottids contain tapeworm eggs; these eggs are released into the environment when the proglottid dries out. The dried proglottids are small (about 2 mm), hard and yellowish in color and can sometimes be seen stuck to the hair around the pet’s anus.

Tapeworm in cats are not usually harmful. Weight loss may occur if your cat is heavily infected. Sometimes, an infected cat will “scoot” or drag its anus across the ground or carpet because the segments are irritating to the skin in this area.
Occasionally, a tapeworm will become attached to the intestinal wall and move into the stomach. This may irritate the stomach, causing the cat to vomit; if this happens, a worm several inches in length may be seen.

Tapeworm infection is usually diagnosed when the moving segments are seen crawling around the anus or in a bowel movement. Dipylidium tapeworm eggs are rarely released into the feces and are therefore not usually detected by routine fecal exams performed by your veterinarian. Because of this, veterinarians depend on you to notify them of possible tapeworm infection in your pet.


CAN I GET A TAPEWORM INFECTION FROM MY CAT?aid554069-728px-recognize-and-treat-cysticercosis-pork-tapeworm-infection-step-3
Yes. For a person to become infected with tapeworm in cats, he or she must accidentally swallow an infected flea. Most reported cases involve children. The most effective way to prevent infections in cats and humans is through flea control. The risk of infection with this tapeworm in humans is low but does exist. A child who is infected will usually pass proglottids in a bowel movement or have visible tapeworm segments stuck to the skin around the anal area.

Treatment for both cats and humans is simple and very effective. A prescription drug called praziquantel is given, either orally or by injection (cats only). The medication causes the tapeworm to dissolve within the intestines. Since the worm is usually digested before it passes, it may not be visible in your cat’s stool. The drugs are generally well-tolerated.cats-and-children-when-to-introduce-them-53f72f009bbe8


See your health care provider for diagnosis and treatment.



  • Control fleas on your cat and in their indoor and outdoor environments.
  • Have your veterinarian treat your cat promptly if he has tapeworms.
  • Clean up after your pet, especially in playgrounds and public parks. Bury the feces, or place it in a plastic bag and then put it in the trash.
  • Do not allow children to play in areas that are soiled with cat or other animal feces.
  • Teach children to always wash their hands after playing with the cat and after playing outdoors.

This article is for information only and is not meant to be used for self-diagnosis or as a substitute for consultation with a health care provider. If you have any questions about tapeworm in cats or think that you may have a parasitic infection, consult a health care provider.


Feeding Kittens –The Right Diet Makes Your Best Friend Grow

Feeding Kittens –The Right Diet Makes Your Best Friend Grow

Feeding kittens differs from feeding adult cats. But if you know what kittens need, it is easy to serve a healthy and tasty meal for your little feline friends. It is also a good idea to get the right feeding equipment for your kitten such as a feeding bowl without edges and even a cat drinking fountain – Click here for our recommendation.

The first few weeks you won’t have to do anything. Kittens drink mother’s milk and that’s about all they want and need. Kittens don’t have teeth at this age, so anything else would be problematic anyway.

When the litter is large, some kittens may have difficulty finding a free nipple and remain without food. You can help by hand-feed these kittens with a dropper. Give them special nutritious kitten milk like KMR Liquid, available at pet stores both online and offline.
You won’t have to use force when you are feeding kittens with a dropper. Kittens suck instinctively.

Build it up week by week till your kitten is two months old. By the time your cat is eight to ten weeks it should have fully switched to solid food.

Water will have replaced mother’s milk by then. If you want to give milk as a treat, only serve lactose free milk. Otherwise your pet might get diarrhea or start vomiting. Most cats of three months are not able anymore to properly digest regular milk. Lactose free milk is available at pet stores.

This is one of the most frequently asked questions about feeding kittens.
If you buy food in your local store, read the labels first.
Dry food should contain about 30 percent protein and about 15 percent fat. Canned food should contain about 10 percent protein and about 6 percent fat.
Extra protein won’t harm your kitten. Proteins make your cat grow.
Kittens also need amino acids and taurine. Unfortunately, amino acids and taurine are not alwats listed on the label. However, if meat, chicken and fish are the main ingredients, these nutrients are usually in the food.
If your kitten was not born at your home, ask the breeder or seller what brand of kitten food it was eating before you adopted it.

Stick with the same brand, or switch gradually by mixing the previous brand with the one you prefer. Add a little more of the new brand everyday and eventually your kitten will eat only this.
Kittens usually eat three times a day until they are six months old and twice a day until they are one year old. Adult cats may have enough with one meal a day.